Wonder Showzen Wiki

Sthugar is a sidekick on Wonder Showzen.


Two-parts cotton candy, nine-parts lisp and one chunk fang, Sthugar is the only lady monster on the show. She's cute enough to make a donkey rot just by looking up at him. Her hair is put into pig tails, and she has bright blue eyes.


She is the hyper-voices-in-your-head-moral-center of the gang and believes in doing the right thing. When the gang declared war on the bootlegs, she stopped the fighting and got everyone to sign a peace treaty.

She is thought to be emotionally unstable, suggested when she built a beanie powered by her own sadness for a science fair. She is very promiscuous, announcing her love to both the "future" and "extreme" Chaunceys, as well as Him when he was a robotic yard slave.


  • In Knowledge, she refers to her genitalia as her "ugly".
  • She is given a name in the second season.
  • She appears in 10 episodes.
  • In "Birth", a prototype of her is used. This prototype is bigger, has a bow on her head and has no hair.


See also: Sthugar/Gallery
